Lifestyle Thoughts


Welcome to bloganuary, where you will receive a new email, informing you about a new blog post every day in January. We’ll talk about a bit of everything – as usual here. You’re welcome to bear with me through this month, to comment, also send me ideas on topics you are interested in and want …

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801010 diet
Health Lifestyle Nutrition

80/10/10 diet and lifestyle

First let’s explain what these numbers mean, they represent a ratio our diet should consist of: 80 % carbohydrates – 10 % protein – 10 % fatty acids. Consisting mostly or entirely of raw food (that’s an individual’s choice). With 80/10/10 it’s not about renunciation. Nutrition is a constant effort and is easy to missinterpret …

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feel like you don't fit in
Lifestyle Thoughts

Often feel like you don’t fit in?

Do you feel like you rarely (or never) fit in with the groups of people around you? Excluding our own groups of friends – with those we found each other by intention, not by chance. Fact. I tried to fit in with the general majority for years. All this trying dragged throughout my childhood, and …

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Drawing mandalas
Art & DIY Lifestyle

Drawing mandalas

The word “mandala” originates from sanskrit, meaning circle. Do you ever doodle? When thinking of nothing but also everything at the same time, or when talking on the phone? What kind of patterns do you draw? It seems that a lot of people draw circular and rectangular patterns, filling them with other geometrical shapes. It’s …

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