Growing citrus trees from seeds
Biology Gardening

Growing citrus trees from seeds

First a disclaimer: I am not at all an expert in growing indoor plants, or outdoor for that matter. I just use my biological knowledge regarding the state of the plants and their environmental and nutrient requirements. I do my research and got some experience through the years, but there’s a lot of room for …

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Biology Gardening

Growing pineapple from fruit

Growing a pineapple plant (Ananas comosus) from the fruit is very simple and can be easy as well, you just have to pay attention to see to the plant’s needs, which is plenty of moist, but also not too much. Pineapples need a lot of water so it’s hard to over water them if you …

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Animal photo hunt

From random seasons and random locations around central Europe. Some photos are far from sharp and good quality, specially those of butterflies – I just don’t dare come too close and scare them away. Apologies. 🙂

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Biology Gardening Lifestyle

Indoor plant collection and updates

I currently keep the following plants: I water them all once a week, each with the same amount of water. Except In December and January it’s every other week only to prevent from complete drying and not to disturb their dormancy. I fertilise them every year in the months from February to June. I add …

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Importance of epiphytes in ecosystems

Ecological importance and adaptations of epiphytes

Definition An epiphyte is an organism that grows on another living organism. Highly diverse, occurring from forest floor to tree crowns. These plants only receive physical support from the host, but not nutrients, although they may injure it. Fully autotrophic plants are referred to as true epiphytes, but there are also epiphytic bacteria, fungi, algae, …

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Importance of riparian vegetation for water bodies
Biology environment

Importance of riparian vegetation for water bodies

Riparian area is a transitional semiterrestrial/semiaquatic biome, the interface between land and river or stream extending from the edges of water bodies to the edges of upland regions. This area includes flood plains and landscapes closely surrounding streams, rivers, vernal pools, ephemeral streams, ponds and lakes. Plant habitat along water bodies is riparian vegetation, consisted of hydrophilic …

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