Biology environment

Environmental organisations to follow and support

There are many environmental organisations out there (I would say thankfully, but just the fact that the earth needs them makes it clear that we’re not in a good situation) and all of them deserve our attention. Here’s a list of the few I follow and have researched so far. These teams do incredible work for the environment with their activities and by raising awareness.

  1. Panthera: dedicated to research and conservation of wild cats.
  2. Rewilding Europe: reestablishing natural environments.
  3. WWF: conservation and restoration of biodiversity, to reduce humanity’s environmental footprint.
  4. UNEP: caring for the environment by informing and enabling nations to improve their quality of life without compromising our environment.
  5. Greenpeace: covers many different aspect of the environment, also focusing on great global forests and oceans, aiming to preserve, protect and restore the most valuable ecosystems for biodiversity.
  6. Morigenos: marine mammal society. Conducts research, monitoring and conservation of cetaceans.
  7. Rainforest alliance: an alliance that includes farmers and forest communities, companies and consumers – all working together to conserve forests and cultivate more sustainable agriculture.
  8. Amazon watch: protecting the rainforest and advancing the rights of Indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin.
  9. Amazon conservation team: partners with indigenous and other local communities to protect tropical forests and strengthen traditional culture.
  10. Stopecocide: a growing global movement to make ecocide an international crime.
  11. Balkan river defence: global river conservation community defending the remaining free flowing rivers of Europe.
  12. Ocean cleanup: a large project, developing and scaling technologies to rid the world’s oceans of plastic.
  13. Rainforest concern: a British charity protecting rainforests and other crucial natural habitats. Protects threatened habitats by direct conservation on the ground, through the purchase of land for private reserves, or in the name of the local NGOs or community and the registration of ancestral indigenous territories.
  14. Fauna & flora international: world’s oldest international wildlife conservation organisation. Focus is on protecting biodiversity and ecosystems .

Even better – some of these organisations have the option of volunteering. I highly recommend that if you only can. You learn A LOT, gain invaluable experience and meet great people.

And a song to make your day 🙂

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