Lifestyle Thoughts

Certain friendships and how do we keep them? I’m asking.

I started on this post many times, but something always stopped me. This theme has been worked through over and over. I started and killed this article several times, but I kept running into articles with such topics which always made me think and start writing this again.

At first this post was meant to be titled »Friendships between men and women«. But as roughly mentioned, this is outdated. Yet, this topic kept coming back to me in one form or another, wanting to be released into the wild. So here we are.

In a clean world we are born undefined. We choose who we want to become and we become what we choose. Every soul is different, but also we all share specific similarities. Different souls for different areas.

There are people who still can’t and/or won’t understand friendships between people that can potentially romantically attract eachother. Friends are awesome, every kind of friendship, why then, are some people overcomplicating so?

If there is some actual attraction between the two friends, that is NO problem. If you don’t want it to be anything but what it is – a clean cut friendship, it’s as simple as not acting on it. Channeling it to different activities, sports and art for example. Beautiful souls, belive me, it’s that simple. You may be amazed by what becomes of channeling these energies.

Here, roughly described, are 6 of my friendships, they all started (and some ended) in a very similar manner. Mostly there was just an interest for hanging out with an interesting person, sometimes also physical attraction was present (but as I said, we didn’t complicate and we didn’t act on it). This continued into a very close friendship and usually ended when the male participant got a parter.

So the only real problem about these friendships, in my case in particular, were the male participants of the friendship. Just exposing a fact from personal experience. What’s your experience with friendships with people you could potentially be attracted to? Did you remain friends? If not, what went the way you didn’t want it to?

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