Art & DIY Lifestyle

Make your own yearly planner

This is only a partial DIY, as we will be using an existing notebook or binding planner, just adding our own created calendar of mothly and daily sheets.

Making the monthly calendar

Design-wise there are a lot of options (Canva, One note, Powerpoint, printables from Pinterest, etc.). I tried all of the listed and learned that I design my calendar most optimally by simply using either Word or Excel. Word for A4 and A5 paper formats, Excel for smaller formats. This makes it even more simple – everyone knows the basics of these programs.

Depending on the size of the planner create the calendar pages accordingly. I am using an A6 size binder, so I have to cut the A4 sheets into proper sizes and perforate them after. For the paper, you can use plain white, one with stripes, coloured or you can print your own patterns. Another possibility – once you have the paper properly cut and perforated, you can draw your own patterns on, either on the sides of the pages or even all over. This is the most creative and fun way of creating your own planner.

DIY weekly planner
weekly planner
diy planner
DIY sheets

An existing notebook planner

If you have a simple business planner, like the ones you get in an office, but don’t like its layout or design, you can optimise and redesign it yourself. They are usually of a4 or a5 size, striped and have different information on the pages, like dates and hours. Here’s just an idea of a simple decoration of one of such planners (note, I usually add a lot more colours and patterns, when creating this one, it was one of my non-creative days, sorry :)):

daily diy planner
daily diy planner

Here are my monthly, weekly and daily planner sheet examples. Some are printed on used paper, on others I draw the patterns later once printed:

monthly calendar
monthly calendar
monthly calendar small
monthly calendar small
calendar small excel
calendar small excel

You can find endless possibilities online, if you search for bullet journals or diy planners. There are also pre-made printables available. I found some good patterns on Pinterest, either for printing or just as ideas for drawing patterns.

Do you make your own planners or bullet journals? We would like to see them, share in the comments!

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