DIY cotton pads
Art & DIY Lifestyle

DIY cotton pads

Take a piece of fabric, best if it’s 100 % cotton, no elasthane or other materials. Just recycle a shirt or maybe bedsheets that you’ve worn out and don’t intend to use for what it’s originally meant for anymore. Cut out the shape you want, mine are circle, but you can go out of the …

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Part-time blogger

An “average” day of a part-time blogger

On a work day. I have to start by explaining that my days aren’t filled with all-things-blogging related and why. We’re (my husband and I) currently renovating a house we bought a good year ago and are hurrying to move in as soon as possible. So most of my free time is dedicated to the …

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Mesmerizing Iceland
Biology Lifestyle

9 days in Iceland

Iceland is mesmerizing, for the eye and for the mind. I will let the photos do most of the talking and just add some captions as we go through the days. Things we did (2 months) before the trip: planned the whole route according to all the sites we wanted to see, made accommodation reservations …

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