thank you
Lifestyle Thoughts

Thank you

There cannot be too much said about gratitude. Listing the things we’re grateful always does good. I wrote about gratitude before, but there’s a time for everything in life. The time for this is now.

Thank you, mother, for my life, thank you for teaching me how to and how not to live. Thank you for all your creative witchcraft that makes you so ingeniously special. Love you.

Thank you husband. For being. For every moment of every day. Every dance, eye gaze, hand hold. You are my universe. Love you.

Thank you nature for giving us home and means of existence.

Let’s not get into how we treat it in this post. We all know where that leads all too well.

Thanks to my uncle who introduced me to a proper sports lifestyle for being trustworthy and who unintentionally (maybe some moments intentionally, I wouldn’t know) and, probably unknowingly, took my father’s place when he wasn’t there to rely on.

Thanks to all of my ex friends who taught me what to do and what not to do to have sincere, warm and blooming friendships that last lifetimes.

Thanks to all of my friends, family we chose ourselves, who make life colorful, fun, meaningful and A LOT easier when it gets hard. Love you.

Thanks to my ex boyfriend who taught me what is good, what is bad, what to do and what not to do for a successful romantic partership.

Grateful for air and water, as clean as we may get them, that give us life.

Thank you father for the fun and easy-going days, for teaching me how to take it easy. And for giving me insight into what kind of parter I don’t want and, consequentially, what to look for in a relationship. As wrong and bad as this may sound, it’s how it is and I am grateful for it.

Grateful for my body which enables me to do what I want and go where I want. It’s the best possible machine for idea and wishes realisation and mean of transport there is.

Thanks for every bird song that touches our ears.

Thanks for the sunlight that warms our skin and cleans our souls.

Biology – it made me appreciate and be fascinated by life and nature even more.

Thanks to Morigenos society. For enabling me the best practical education, for helping me to learn how to live again after a loss. They probably don’t know this and they may never will, but without them I may not have been in the good place I am today.

Grateful for every beautiful, scenic view that opens up to our eyes.

Thankful for every interesting, fun day, these fulfill life as much as possible.

Graeful for every moment we dance. Dancing is a celebration of life.

Thank you, life itself.

Now it’s you turn, who’s eyes may have skimmed over this text and who may become inspired to think and write about your own »everythnig you’re grateful for«. I am grateful for you.

Thank you, love, BSL

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