Part-time blogger

An “average” day of a part-time blogger

On a work day.

I have to start by explaining that my days aren’t filled with all-things-blogging related and why. We’re (my husband and I) currently renovating a house we bought a good year ago and are hurrying to move in as soon as possible. So most of my free time is dedicated to the house, but whenever I have a free afternoon, it is mostly filled with blogging related activities and being outside in nature as much as possible.

6 to about 14h or later: work at my day job. I currently work in shoe making industry, way out of my field of expertise, but I took the job because I found it interesting and saw it as an opportunity to improve my knowledge experience and to see what it’s like working in a large company. I was also just recently promoted so I’m quite pleased!

Image source: Pixabay

Between 14.05 and 15h: come home (I know :)), usually vacuum clean first (I’m very intolerant of any kind of dirt anywhere inside, specially on the floor) and have lunch, in the summer days that is mostly watermelon. 



At about 15h: run errands; grocery store, post office etc. and/or run to the near forest and spent some time there, taking photos, observing the seasons, unwinding.

Image source: Pixabay

16h: go to the construction site of the house. On days I’m not needed at the house, I take the afternoon for blog work (searching for articles, reading articles/books, reading or listening to podcasts about blogging related content and/or working on blog posts).

When I’m not in blogging related activities, I’m translating a book (to English) about natural hygiene. I currently have 200 pages more to go and the deadline is by the end of november. I can only guess I’ll manage somehow.


18h to 19h: I either come home from the house and shower or if I’m home and don’t have anywhere to be later, I do yoga which lasts anywhere from 15 to 60 min, depends on the practice. Then read a book. I’m currently in the process of reading all the books I own (luckily there aren’t that many) to decide which ones are still useful to keep and which ones I’m letting go of. Currently I’m at Dogs for dummies. Not planning on sharing our home with a dog, but I might adopt a greyhound if the time is right.

Image source: Pixabay

19h to 20h: depends on the day, different sports activities; climbing in the gym, oriental dancing and ballroom dancing.


Sometime between 21h and 22h: go to bed to be fresh for an early morning.

Image source: Pixabay

It’s pretty far from more typical part-time blogger days, but that’s exactly why I decided to write this. Not everything is “all perfect” and so blogging related as people like to present. In a way where one comes home from work, works on the blog untill almost morning, sleeps very little and goes to their fancy job all fresh and repeats. I prefer to have a life (and plenty of sleep) and take blogging as one of my hobbies and not as a job or a necessity.

Blogging is awesome.


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