feel like you don't fit in
Lifestyle Thoughts

Often feel like you don’t fit in?

Do you feel like you rarely (or never) fit in with the groups of people around you? Excluding our own groups of friends – with those we found each other by intention, not by chance. Fact. I tried to fit in with the general majority for years. All this trying dragged throughout my childhood, and …

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A letter to inspiration

A letter to inspiration

Dear inspiration, thank you. For being here for us. You are useful and we need you always, without you, we are pretty much useless. Sometimes you make us try very hard for you to notice us and appear in the moment before last. Other times you strike like lightning and one must run to create …

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pros and cons of blogging
Lifestyle Thoughts

Pros and cons of blogging

In this post I will not be trying to persuade anyone to do or not to do it, these are just pros and cons in my 4-year experience of being in the blogging world. Pros: you’re free to write your thoughts, opinions and discoveries and to share them with the world you get to know …

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Lifestyle Motivation Thoughts

Work situation update

In this time I learned that in long term the good always overcomes the bad. But short term the bad can be strong. Enough to touch one’s physical and possibly even mental health. My advice, if you find yourself in an unhealthy work environment and have a case where you really can’t go anywhere else, …

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thank you
Lifestyle Thoughts

Thank you

There cannot be too much said about gratitude. Listing the things we’re grateful always does good. I wrote about gratitude before, but there’s a time for everything in life. The time for this is now. Thank you, mother, for my life, thank you for teaching me how to and how not to live. Thank you …

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Favourites Lifestyle Thoughts

Sexiest music ever

This post doesn’t need an intro as the title says it all. Most of the songs on the list are rock, those I like to call “midnight rock”, others are random genres. Some even have kinky lyrics, but that’s not factor that makes them sexy. I can’t really explain, what it is, there’s just something …

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