A letter to inspiration

A letter to inspiration

Dear inspiration, thank you. For being here for us. You are useful and we need you always, without you, we are pretty much useless.

Sometimes you make us try very hard for you to notice us and appear in the moment before last. Other times you strike like lightning and one must run to create to catch you before you leave again. There are also those times where you come around in such form that we are able to accumulate and to draw your energy for a while. Because when present, you also bring motivation.  You two seem to stick together, you always come in a pair. When one shows up, the other one does too. It’s good, I like it.

You enable for masterpieces to come in existence. You enable a creation of a better world. Where he best dreams and fantasies become a reality.

So, dear inspiration, you are welcome to stick around, don’t be a stranger. In fact, let’s rather be best friends. You are always welcome.

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