We all want to achieve our goals. No matter how small, large, close or far they are. Some appear unachievable – but those make us feel the best when achieved! It’s quite simple – start right now. By taking one step at a time. Just divide the goal into smaller parts, for example, start by …
Tag: Motivation
How to be more effective
Beginnig of a new year. A time when (almost) everybody is making their new year resolutions. At this point I have one word for you – intentional. So incredibly simple – to be better at everything, make sure that every single thing you do, you do it intentionally. Turn off the auto-pilot. Be present, be …
Reaching goals and letting go
These notes are inspired by the book The Sorcerer’s Apprentice by Evald Flisar. Just to be clear, all my posts, categorised as “thoughts” and “books” are a mixture of the book review and my own opinions and experience. Same goes for both parts of this post. “The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.” – William …
How to find our wild nature (part 3)
Procrastination. Something we all do. Laziness is a part of human nature; once we’re in a safe place, why move away from it? We may only have partially achieved our goals but we’re comfortable now, we’re safe and we just don’t feel like moving forward. The thing to say about this – there’s never a …
How to find our wild nature (part 2)
Restraining creativity can express in dreams; I have heard (and read of) several people, mostly women, talk about a terrifying dream of a, so called, dark man. These dreams are not bad, as creepy as they may be. They are very informative and mainly encourage creativity. They tell or remind us we aren’t using our creative …
How to find our wild nature
This post was inspired by the book Women who run with the wolves (more about it at the end of part 3), where the author writes mostly about the power of women, but since I believe we are equally powerful (just in different ways mostly), I’m writing this in general. It goes for each and …
How to get and stay motivated
The point is to write our own stories, and that we write it exactly the way we want to. To find our dream, our life goal, we must simply ask ourselves: What do I want? The first thing that comes to mind is the right thing. That simple. This question saves a lot of trouble, I …