Books Thoughts

How to find our wild nature (part 2)

Restraining creativity can express in dreams; I have heard (and read of) several people, mostly women, talk about a terrifying dream of a, so called, dark man. These dreams are not bad, as creepy as they may be. They are very informative and mainly encourage creativity. They tell or remind us we aren’t using our creative energy, just that it’s being held in. This awareness puts us on the right track, a path we have the right to step on and go our way.

A wise person keeps his/her psychological envoronment tidy in order to live a life of creativity. This is achieved by keeping a clear mind and orderly work area and by seeking to carry out our ideas and plans. In order to do this we must be ready to burn hot and passionate, to burn with words, ideas, with the desire for what we trully love. In this flame of passion our ideas not only get formed but also executed. Keeping a clear mind requires regular cycles of: mind and thought cleaning, values and emotions renewal, maintaining the creative fire and systematic creation of new ideas, specially maintaining the relationship with our wild nature.

All this talking about wild self enventually forms a question, something like: »How do I live in harmony with my wild nature, when the environment, wouldn’t or doesn’t approve of my, so called, wild behaviour?« We all seek companionship, no matter how solitary or introvert we are. Same goes for psychological duality of cultivated and wild self. Each of the mentioned parts can live and survive on its own, but they are both much better off existing and working together. Losing one, or better said, pretending one or the other doesn’t exist, takes our emotional and spiritual strength away. So when we live in line with our wild side, we’re only letting in out, not letting it overtake us, just enabling both our sides to coexist.

So many words about inner strength might make us think we don’t nor never will have enough of it to achieve what we want. But the thing is, we don’t ever really need the perfect strength. Moderate and practical in more than enough! To be who we are (unless you can be Ironman, then be Ironman ;)) and with it dicover where we belong, we can consciously influence the community and cultural consciousness. 75 % confidence is enough. It is not said in vain that a flower blooms, be it in full or half blooming.

Sometimes, every so often, it inevitably happens that we lose ourselves. There is nothing wrong with that. it just means we have fallen of our track that may have been a wrong one anyway. In these situations it is still much better to wander around, maybe looking a bit lost and seek for physical and mental kinship, than stay where we don’t belong. It is never wrong to look for what we need. Never. Even though we may appear confused when we lose contact with the life that means the most to us as we walk around to find it once again, the truth is, we are actually collecting data and afterwards we go our way. As soon as we have collected all the valuable information, our movement is intentional again. It is only then we seek to belong to no one and nowhere else but to ourselves. There is a proverb »Not all who wander are lost,« and it couldn’t be more on point.

One thing that is very important and we often hear about from well experienced people – ask for help. When you need it, ask for it. Being helpful is human nature and when we ask for it, we get it. Fact.

Being so full of energy and creativity, we sometimes hit a wall which disables us to continue. Or so it would seem, see this wall just tells us to rest. We have to take our time and rest, let our brain do it’s own job and surprise us with fresh ideas and energy. Our conscious mind works linear, meaning we can process one larger thought or idea at a time. It’s not actually so, as brain is amazing, of course, but the fact is, we have very limited feedback throughoout the day of what our brain is actually working on. So we need to regurarly just turn ourselves off and wait. Wait until we are surprised by newly born ideas, hundreds of them, and energy. As we leave the brain to rest, in that time it makes new neuron connections and that’s how ideas are formed. So if or when we lose our focal point, just stop. Take a thought and nurse it, keep some of it, lose the rest and it will recover. This is all we need.

What is the fundamental food of the soul? Well, to each his own, but it’s usually very simple and basic, things like fresh air, night, sunlight, trees, putting words on paper, books, colors, shapes, shadows, running, dancing, song of a bird, a flower in bloom, a shooting star, a rainbow, a tree with its leaves dancing in the breeze, obseving soul birds – butterflies… These are natural medicaments and they are very powerful, yet simple. So insist, find your way. Take a pen, stop whining, write. Take a paint brush and be mean to yourself for a change, paint. Dancers, put ribbons in your hair, around your waist and ankles, command your body to move. Act, sing, play… No matter what your way of expressing yourself is, mainly quiet your negative thoughts and deal with your art. In order to create, we have to respond. Creativity is the ability to respond to everything around us, to chose among hundreds of thoughts, feelings and actions which arise inside us and then assemble in a single reaction, expression or message imbued with passion and meaning. If we are limited to a single choice, if we suppress our feelings and thoughts, if we don’t do, speak out, are not present, we aren’t living in a creative environment. This environment does by far not solely depend on actual exterior environment, no, the majority is inside of us. Sure, we need room for our creative projets and if we don’t yet have it – if we really want it, we find it. We have to start somewhere, but in no other way than by making the first step.

Something we may not hear enough about is self admiraton. To be proud of our work, of what we are and have become. Admiration frees. Here we have to say a word about body image. We are all of different shapes and sizes and that’s good! Unless of course, the way we are isn’t healthy, whether eating unhealthy food, not eating at all or lacking in sport activities. We should understand, that our height is our beauty, our smile is the smile of wisdom, and our voice is a voice of intellect. Our body is the tool to create our ideas, our space ship to take us to our desired destination. Wild nature would never agree to support the forms that prove value, control or character. And one more important aspect of our wild nature is laughing. We tend to hold ourselves back way too much with this. Sounds familiar? Laugh out loud, laghing is sexual, physical, primal, passionate, invigorating. It is so healing it’s sacred.

To lead a full life, there have to be sacrifices; in order to study we have to invest our time, if we want to create, we have to sacrifice sloppiness, some security and often a desire to please, so we are able to get deeper insights and far-reaching vision. First attempts can always be corrected and improved, same goes for the second and the third one. And so on, you get it, right? It has nothing to do with skill and value. This is a life in development.

This great power of the wild nature can also be highly addictive, so pay attention if sometimes it gives a feeling of imense power or a fake sensation of having so much energy that no sleep or food or worries are needed. This vortex may happen so fast, we don’t even realise we have been pulled into it. As good as it feels, pay attention to these kind of feelings or events, because when it all ends, it may leave us lying on a cold hard ground. How do we realize this before we fall? It’s a feeling quite similar to being inlove, the only difference is, in this case there’s no other person involved.

When we start (living our life, creating, a business etc.) we usually keep getting questions – mostly from ourselves (sometimes from others too), »Am I (are you) really good enough?« We started it, so we are. A runner is a real runner as soon as she/he makes the first step, a gardener is a true gardener as soon as he/she seeds the first seed, a flower is real even if not in bloom yet, a tree is real when the seed is still in the cob. When questions arrive, and they do, like »Are you a real writer, dancer, artist?« »Are you really that talented?« »Do you really have to say something that important that would be useful for the world?« The answer to all of this, as we already know, is YES. We would be much more passionate and peaceful if we could see that our only job is to continue our work. Start. You may be or probably are afraid of failure, let us fail if we have to. Get up and start over. If we fail again, we did, so what? Start over. It’s not failure that inhibits us, it’s the reluctance to get started again. We’re afraid? Who isn’t? Let that fear bite us or whatever it’s meant to do and get it over with – deal with it and it will go away. Failure is a greater teacher than success. So listen, learn, continue. It helps a lot to just transfer ourselves in the future and then from a remote starting point determine, what would contribute for us to be proud of our past behavior and then act accordingly with this observation.

We all hope that when we find our purpose and head for a chosen direction that at the end of the path there will be a shiny prize. It’s also clear that it doesn’t work this way. Along the course all our knowledge narrows down to one sole thing – execution. We have to go to our own place inside us, our home as we’ve called it before, and step by step implement what we have learned. As often as necessary and as long as we have to. We don’t gain power after we have climbed a ladder or a mountain, we don’t get it after we have succeded. We gain it before and during our climb, a small part does come after, but concentrate on executing.

We all make bad decisions, poor coices of words or responses, before we learn and insight the consequences. Nothing in the whole universe is beyond the limits of forgiveness. Nothing. So forgive ourselves, this is the hardest thing to do. But once we’ve done it, there’s nothing we can’t. Remember and understand one thing along with this; no sentient being is intended to remain forever innocent. To evolve, our instinctive nature launches us in the confrontation with the fact that things are not as they appear at first sight. It forces us to learn of many states of life, perceptions and behaviours. It gives us many chances to stop running into walls we have built ourselves and rather learn to walk through them.

Part 3

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