
Everything about bioluminescence

Bioluminescence is light produced by a chemical reaction. This reaction is a type chemiluminescence that runs inside a living organism. As all metabolic activities running in a cell, this process is precisely coordinated and controlled. Thus it is a cold light, this means that it’s more than 80 % effective and less than 20 % of the …

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vitamin D sources
Biology Health Nutrition

Vitamin D source in plants, algae and mushrooms

Vitamins are organic compounds essential for normal physiological and metabolic functioning of the body in small quantities. Vitamins are a large group of micronutrients, mostly derived from diets with a few exceptions. These micronutrients usually exist in complexes and thus cannot be obtained from a single dietary source. Functionally, vitamins are involved in various metabolic …

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801010 diet
Health Lifestyle Nutrition

80/10/10 diet and lifestyle

First let’s explain what these numbers mean, they represent a ratio our diet should consist of: 80 % carbohydrates – 10 % protein – 10 % fatty acids. Consisting mostly or entirely of raw food (that’s an individual’s choice). With 80/10/10 it’s not about renunciation. Nutrition is a constant effort and is easy to missinterpret …

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Fungi in ecosystems
Biology environment

Fungi in ecosystems

Fungi have existed roughly 5/6 of the earth’s existance. They have had a lot of time to adapt to every environment on earth. For comparison, the humanoid species has existed 0,01 % of earth’s time (from the first speciments of the genus to Homo sapiens). Fungi are everywhere – they are so widespread, they make …

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