Made a short list of different genres, so you don’t have to. 🙂 Electro Jazz Dance Rock Metal Enjoy!
A scheduled day of a freelancer
6.00: wake up Between 6 and 7.00: 7.00: turn on the computer, check emails, check the financial markets, start working or articles 8.00: breakfast After breakfast: continuing with work. Between 12.00 and 14.00: lunch, depends on the work flow. After lunch: either continuing with work or time for relaxation (depends on the work flow and …
Seeing spiritual colours of the world
Here’s a fun fact, some people see colours, spiritual colours. It may be the aura, we won’t get into that this time. Anything and everything is possible. Our brain and our ability to perceive through human senses is very limited. Think about the micro and nano levels, think about the extensity of the universe. It’s …
2022 favourites
5. Apple harvest in our garden – it was a good year 6. The time taken to make any of my artistic endevours 7. Music 8. Iron Maiden concert 9. Judas Priest concert 10. Alter bridge concert (Miles Kennedy’s voice is perfection) 11. Summer getaways 12. Daily getaways 13. The sea 14. Yoga every morning …
Books I read in 2022 (and recommend)
The list is very short, sorry I cannot recommend you more books. Last year I was fully focused on Wim Hof’s book and WHM classes along with article writing. I couldn’t also focus on reading books as that completely consumes me, either I read books or I don’t (thus block scheduling works perfect). All of …
Films for a good evening (and a good laugh)
Mostly the films on this list are not from 2022. Highly recommend if you ever need a good laugh and a friend momentarily isn’t available. Some of these film are as cheesy as they appear, but if you just take them as good fun, they’re worth your time. 🙂
Animal photo hunt
From random seasons and random locations around central Europe. Some photos are far from sharp and good quality, specially those of butterflies – I just don’t dare come too close and scare them away. Apologies. 🙂
Why take time for Lego in your adult years
Pros: Cons: The official site doesn’t provide any specific information about who they work with and how much waste they produce through production. All in all, they continue to produce petroleum-based plastic bricks, but are trying, researching, to be more sustainable. The information regarding the company’s sustainability states that Lego is currently looking to discover …
Autumn days by the seaside
Looking back on these photos, they seem like they were taken in the summer time. Autumn months of 2022 were actually all summer. Autumn lasted just about two weeks, started in mid November and lasted until 1. December, when it snowed for the first time of the winter season.