
A scheduled day of a freelancer

6.00: wake up

Between 6 and 7.00:

  • drink tea or a glass of warm water with lemon
  • yoga
  • WHM breathing
  • short intensive bodyweight workout
  • or skip the 2 points above and do core, flexibility and balance exercises besides the strength exercises by Lazy dancer tips

7.00: turn on the computer, check emails, check the financial markets, start working or articles

8.00: breakfast

After breakfast: continuing with work.

Between 12.00 and 14.00: lunch, depends on the work flow.

After lunch: either contuning with work or time for relaxation (depends on the work flow and how much has been done that day). The work flow is best when there are no interruptions (calls, visitors, errands) and sticking with block schedule.

Relaxation: some type of sport (hiking, running, dancing – whatever’s on the schedule), tidying up and cleaning the house, reading, meeeting up with important people (meaning family and friends). All the listed activites depend on the day, the weather and mood.

There are many days that aren’t scheduled, or the shedule may be upside down, sometimes such days are even more productive, or just filled with errands, other times they are best described as ยปmehยซ. But having a schedule is very important when you control all your time. It makes one disciplined and you know what to expect the moment you wake up. Which is very productive and motivating.

blogger work
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