Time for a reality check of our lives
Lifestyle Motivation Thoughts

How many times do you do a reality check of your life?

Or in other words – be careful what you wish for. Because your deepest wishes come true. Let’s go through this together: remember what you wished for throughout your life, your strongest wishes from different phases and areas of your life. Browse your memory, even photos and journals if you kept them. If there are any lists, have them in front of you.

Now look at your current life and lifestyle from a distance.

Do you see it? How many points from the list(s) align, even remotely with your present? Unless you had completely unreal desires, like living in clouds with unicorns, chances are you’ve ticked a lot or even everything off the list. It may not have turned out exactly as imagined at the time, but it’s in that area.

Thus we come to understand that the present is merely a manifestation of the past. Looking at our current lives.

An example: ever since I’m aware of my own existence I wanted to do good for the environment, for nature, I wanted to work with Lions – research and conservation. That is not my life now, as I am not willing to go to Africa anymore, but I am a biologist, an environmentalist and my working with or rather for lions is through supporting environmental conservation organisations that are doing exactly that. I support them through my writing, spreading knowledge and financially.

In my student years I set another goal – to be financially independent, to work by my own schedule, to have the least contact with people (introvert) and to be able to work anywhere I wanted. Now I work from home, didn’t get to travel as much as I wanted (yet?), though travelling is mostly not environmentally friendly, so I guess at least I’m not guilty for polluting the world that way. I am financially independent and only have contact with people when I want to – and very rarely because I have to. I am endlessly grateful for that.

One interesting situation that also occured to me: at my last employment I wanted to change my work position, have more responsibilities and a higher paycheck, of course. I set my goal and just to remind myself of it daily, I put a lucky four leaf clover sticker on my work card. I got promoted a month after that. It wasn’t a large step, but it was better and it was proof. Of course, I set a meeting with my employers after setting the goal and asked for that promotion, but manifest it did.

Through active thinking and quite a number of fascinating life stories (find them in books, films, articles, etc.) we can conclude that the law of attraction works. We constantly support our desires, our goals – consciously or unconsciously, with the life decisions that slowly, but surely take us to the right places. So simple, it is all just a set of thoughts that turn into goals (very important!) and those into actions.

So if you have those desires, turn them into goals, set your thoughts towards those goals and get going!

Your “homework”: take an hour or a few on a quiet time of day, whenever that may be for you. Think about your past and present goals. Write them down or even draw them, if you feel like it, go through each point and thus set a path for your present and future. If nothing else, you’ll end up with a warm, calming feeling. Do this every time you may feel lost in life, it helps to find ourselves again.

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