Favourites Thoughts

Favourite lifestyle blog and vlog

Christine Kobzeff, former Pinksofoxy. I found her vlog “by coincidence” some years ago searching for something about minimalistic lifestyle, watched one video and got hooked.

This vlog (and blog) inspires to lead a more successful life, to be thoughtful and always be present or even to completely change a lifestyle. For one it made me change my interior design style, I mean, I was a minimalist before but this vlog helped me create an even cleaner space. It also got me into growing plants. Before I saw houseplants as solely functional (meaning I would only grow herbs, not that I did :)), whereas now I treat them like pets and look forward to every new branch, leaf or flower bud and am happy when I see them growing well under my care (more about growing indoor plants in one of my future posts, stay tunned!).

Image source: Pixabay

Want to know more about or have insight into a vegan lifestyle? Than this would be the right place to start, also if you just need some inspiraton or maybe fresh ideas to bring into your life, that’s perfect. She is very motivational about celebrating every good thing in life, even the smallest ones. Every little thing (of course, not excluding the larger ones) can and should be a reson for happiness and celebration. Oh, in addition we get to see what life in Hawaii looks like, which isn’t so bad. Right?

Christine may have even had something to do with me starting my own – this – blog. It made me realize – if I need to read something to help me create a better life, than probably someone else does too. And since we all connect differently to different ways in which the information is presented to us, I started sharing my ideas in my own way and have plenty more to share. To make everyday life more colorful (even if it’s minimalistic and all white, you know what I mean ;)).

A very good motivational video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrIIkpCz-RY

Want to know more about growing succulents? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjcJYuoihyU

Just life in Hawaii… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6q-RK-7tvo

Which are your favourite blogs and vlogs to follow? If you have any suggestions, you are very welcome to share them in the comments!


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