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Drink water

Why drinking it regurarly is important.


Water is life, as it gives life and also maintains it. It is in fact a nutrient and has a vital hydrolytic role in all physiological functions.

None of the liquids we take in have even remotely the same effect as pure water. In case of drinking sweet drinks like juices and sodas, high number of water molecules are bonded to glucose and other sugar molecules and are therefore not free to use for the body cells. Also when all the molecules from a certain sweet and/or flavoured drink are transported to the cells, free water molecules in the intercellular space are used to enable all the larger molecules to get inside the cell where they can be further decomposed. Once inside the cells they again use even more free water for the decomposition processes. So to round it up – when drinking sweet and flavoured drinks, the body doesn’t get free water, it in fact uses it to be able to process the variety of molecules it got with the intake. So the more you drink those types of beverages, the more you dehidrate your body. And this is just for the sweet and flavoured drinks.

First and foremost, for thirst we should only drink water. Dehidration is the reason for a lot, some say most, of the accute and even chronical deseases. We should drink after every meal (but no sooner that after 2 h), to prevent dehydration, triggered by food decomposition. Unless with the raw vegan diet, where one usually gets enough water with the food itself, except at higher temperatures. Also drink before we are phisically active and overall in any case where water will be needed more in the physical processes or the body, like at higher temperatures.

We should drink water, everytime we feel the tiniest bit thirsty, but be careful not to exaggerate, too much can also be harmful – moderation is key. We should drink first thing in the morning to eliminate dehydration after a long sleep.

When dehidrated, the body distribues water according to functional importance, where the brain has an absolute priority. Signs of dehidration: feeling tired for no particular reason, irritability, anxiety, feeling sad or even depressed, anger, inexplicable impatience, attention deficit, shortness of breath, an urge for energy drinks like coffee, tea and also for carbonated and alcoholic beverages.

When dehidrated, higher blood preassure is required to get the water inside the cells. This is expressed manifestly and is, what we call, hypertension.

Tea, coffee, alcohol or other synthetic drinks cannot meet the body’s need for water, for one thing they simply do not contain enough free water molecules. But they also have other unfavorable properties:

  1. caffeine is toxic. Plants use caffeine as a natural deffence against herbivores. Caffeine toxicity reduces these animals’ natural wit and survival instincts. Needles to say it can have toxic effects on brain cells. Caffeine activates brain cells in a way they spend too much energy which after a certain period of time leads to fatigue. Brain responses are delayed, hence tiredness and irritability in case of too much caffeine ingestion. Water creates hydroelectric power, but caffeine in the same water stimulates kidneys and causes for the body to eliminate more water than it has received. This combination – over stimulating and lack of water exhausts energy supplies in the brain cells;
  2. alcohol causes dehydration by activating the kidneys which than excrete more urin;
  3. tea has similar effects; it stimulates brain and kidney cells, so the brain is too stimulated and the kidneys eliminate too much water from the blood.

It has been mentioned that orange juice also has its drawbacks, as it stimulates production of histamine, which can cause asthma. But that is only in case of too much intake – one glass usually has good effects (talking about 100 % non-heat treated natural juice).

A word about histamine. When we hear this word, we all just think about allergies. Wrong. Histamine takes an important part in initiating programs for saving water. It primarily controlls the mechanism of thirst, for increasing water intake. In case of dehydration, formation and operation of histamine increases. Since we lose a significant amount of water with breathing through lungs, the lung tissue is the first to succumb the consequences of water shortage. So to sum up – adequate water inlet reduces excessive production of histamine, which also means it reduces allergic reactions.

Drinking enough water also helps reduce body fat as the body’s enzymes only work when in solution, ie, when they have enough free water for the processes they perform. Studies have shown that fat digestive hormone-sensitive enzymes become operational after an hour of light exerice, like walking, and remain active for twelve hours. So walking twice a day is very effective because it regurarly activates these enzymes.

Pancreas is a glandular organ that has two different tasks. One is the endocrine role, producing several important hormones, including insulin and glucagon. It is also a digestive organ, so the second one is the exocrine role, secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes that assist digestion and absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. These enzymes help to further break down carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Pancreas is directly involved in regulating water balance between the cells and the intercellular space by regulating the amount of patassium inside and outside of the cells. This is enabled by insulin, as it »pushes« potassium and sugars inside the cells. As a consequence, the cells absorb more water because of osmotic pressure, as potassium binds water in the cells and retains it there.

Now that we have learned that that we are all more or less dehydrated, we can – and have to, repair this. In eliminating all dehydration-related disorders it is essential to change the way of life. All we ned to do is consume sufficient water (and minerals, but not too much of either, and also, by minerals I mean those you get in fruits and vegetables, not salt), work out regularly and, as mentioned, intake balanced, nutritious diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. By all means, eliminate caffeine and alcohol. For better health it is essential to cross out all artificial sweeteners. Oh, and meditate to detox stressful thoughts. 🙂

Drink water when thirsty – only pure still tap (or stream if there’s a chance – B12!) water. At least try it, if you don’t feel better, you can always go back to your previous customs.

Most of the information contained in this post you will find in the book Water for health, for healing, for life by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D.

For basic knowledge of nutrition I also recommend:

The China study by T, Colin Campbell Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell;

80/10/10 by Dr. Douglas N. Graham.

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