Create your motivating and inspiring work environment
Favourites Lifestyle Motivation

Create yourself a motivating work or study environment

Two words: ambient sound. It’s meant to create a desired feel of a specific environment with sound.

It helps to imagine oneself in a creative, inspirational and motivating environment. Because sometimes the home office just doesn’t do, and one can’t always just go to a coffee place or a nice vista place to boost creativity.

By the way, these things can also be bought, but I found that the ones on YT are as useful as they get.

My favourite ones and more or less the only ones I use are the Harry Potter themed ones. Here are some.

You can find all sorts of »places«: libraries, coffee shops, cosy cottages with different types of music and sounds, also for different seasons of the year. So great!

I came across this »by coincidence« on youtube and it made a lot of difference right away. It enabled me to write or study whenever I lacked motivation for it or just needed a little extra boost. Several of the posts on this blog have been written accompanied by these ambient sounds. If you enjoy a specific environment that affects your motivation and/or inspiration positively, look for it and try out your creativity in your new environment.

Putting myself in Hogwarts’ great hall or library to write or read articles for research is just the best. With all the most pleasant noises : cosy fire, rain, book pages turning, maybe some fellow students or friendly ghosts passing by in the background. Perfect. I get so much done as if I’m sitting on a terrace with a sea view – I mentioned this because so far this has proven to be a place where I get most and best of my creative work done. I subjectively asses that what I do in such way is of better quality because of it.

Since linking the Ice sounds video, this can’t go without mentioning Jonna Jinton and her endlessly inspiring videos, specially this one. Did you know ice made such sounds? It’s unworldly and at the same the the most wordly it can be, chills down the spine guaranteed.

There is yet another advantage of these sounds – you know how the length. Thus you have the information on exactly how long you’re working on a specific piece of work. Useful feedback!

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