Favourites Lifestyle Thoughts

Sexiest music ever

This post doesn’t need an intro as the title says it all. Most of the songs on the list are rock, those I like to call “midnight rock”, others are random genres. Some even have kinky lyrics, but that’s not factor that makes them sexy. I can’t really explain, what it is, there’s just something …

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How yoga changed my life
Fitness Health Lifestyle

How yoga changed my life

And how it can change yours too – for the absolute better. I started practicing yoga as a student, had two free afternoons during the week so I took the class with a classmate for a year. I liked it, but not enough at the time to continue it on my own. My head was …

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Favourite cartoons
Favourites Lifestyle

Favourite cartoons

Adults watch cartoons too. I’m one big child, specially when it comes to cartoons. I let myself watch them when I’ve ticked off everything listed on my to do list. It’s my time and I love it. These are not listed in any particular order, like them all and watch them all: Phineas & Ferb: …

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Lifestyle Motivation

Achieving goals – where to start?

We all want to achieve our goals. No matter how small, large, close or far they are. Some appear unachievable – but those make us feel the best when achieved! It’s quite simple – start right now. By taking one step at a time. Just divide the goal into smaller parts, for example, start by …

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Favourites Lifestyle Thoughts

Owl city

I just got the chance to finally listen to the last Owl city’s album, Mobile Orchestra and this whole post just flew to my mind. Adam continues to pour his soul into his music as this album is a continuation of his colorful artistic expressions. I meant to write about his music (the author is the …

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