psi book

[psi] The Book

As in the Greek letter Ψ. A book by an unidentified Slovenian author, who called himself Eros (he passed away in 2015), translated to English, German and Croatian (for now). I read they are also making a Russian translation. It’s unlike any other. It even says that itself. Badass. People say, and I agree, that in …

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a token of gratitude
Books Thoughts

How to find our gratitude

Life only makes sense when we’re grateful. Every day. I’m grateful for everything beautiful and good, life, health, happiness, family, friends, clean water, fresh air, home, comfortable clean bed, luck, honesty, safety, warmth, appreciation, respect, simpathy, admiration, good ideas, art, fashion, money, lauhter, fun, dance, humor, intelligence, good music, inspiration, safety, cleanliness, power, strength, energy. …

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how to get motivated
Books Motivation

How to get and stay motivated

The point is to write our own stories, and that we write it exactly the way we want to. To find our dream, our life goal, we must simply ask ourselves: What do I want? The first thing that comes to mind is the right thing. That simple. This question saves a lot of trouble, I …

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the five peope you meet in heaven, book review

The five people you meet in heaven

By Mitch Albom Another book about life by this brilliant author. I was reading this book at the time my grandmother passed away. The story made me think about her – where she is and how she’s doing. Is she talking to someone she knows wherever she is? It was easier to think so. So …

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For one more day, Mitch Albom

For one more day

By: Mitch Albom The story is about a man called Charles Benetto, a man who tried to commit suicide. He failed to tell the story. He has ruined his life by not being commiting to his own goals but to his father’s. He wasn’t happy so he lost his family and cosequently tried to end …

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Books Health

Drink water

Why drinking it regurarly is important. Water is life, as it gives life and also maintains it. It is in fact a nutrient and has a vital hydrolytic role in all physiological functions.

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