This post was inspired by the book Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Under-Rated Organ by Giulia Enders. Toxoplasma parasite Toxoplasma gondii is a a widespread neurotropic protozoan parasite which reproduces in cats’ intestine. It infects about one third of the population worldwide. The probability of a human being infeced is in percents …
Drawing mandalas
The word “mandala” originates from sanskrit, meaning circle. Do you ever doodle? When thinking of nothing but also everything at the same time, or when talking on the phone? What kind of patterns do you draw? It seems that a lot of people draw circular and rectangular patterns, filling them with other geometrical shapes. It’s …
A letter to inspiration
Dear inspiration, thank you. For being here for us. You are useful and we need you always, without you, we are pretty much useless. Sometimes you make us try very hard for you to notice us and appear in the moment before last. Other times you strike like lightning and one must run to create …
Dolphins in captivity
This is the last part of the dolphin series. History Animals have been held in captivity by humans for thousands of years. almost every species of marine mammal except for most of the great whales have been held in captivity, even if only for short periods of time. Most of them are dolphins, porpoises and …
Best Kitchen Items For Raw Vegans
The raw food diet is becoming more and more popular, especially for vegans, thanks to its many benefits. A raw vegan diet can promote glowing skin, boosts energy and vitality, improves hydration, and develops your overall health. If you’re planning on embracing this new lifestyle, you have to ensure that your kitchen is well-equipped with everything you …
Dolphin series: monitoring dolphins
For the biologist, dolphin research presents challenges and opportunities in trying to understand individual species in their marine ecosystems. Marine mammals are highly mobile, cover large areas, move in three spatial dimensions, and spend most of their lives under water. So for most species of delphinids, basic aspects of their evolution, physiology, ecology, behavior and …
Create yourself a motivating work or study environment
Two words: ambient sound. It’s meant to create a desired feel of a specific environment with sound. It helps to imagine oneself in a creative, inspirational and motivating environment. Because sometimes the home office just doesn’t do, and one can’t always just go to a coffee place or a nice vista place to boost creativity. …
What’s in my daily »makeup« bag
Is there a person out there that found a way to travel the urban world without a daily necessity bag? I mean, we can all walk around in nature, no »necessities«. There we need nothing but fresh water along the way, on occasions some food and shelter but that’s it. Urban envirnoment, however, is more …
Natural stone table – geological facts
A geological description of a rock formation close to my town. It’s a special place, feel so magical I just had to write about it.
How to Make the BEST Vegan Chocolate Cake
I’m happy to announce a cooperation with Bella Cupcake Couture. Here they shared a delightful recipe for a delicious cake (vegan and chocolate, of course :)). Give it a try and let us know how you succeeded! Chocolate cake is arguably the most decadent dessert: rich, moist, and deliciously chocolatey; it’s a treat for anyone …