Growing plants from seeds is so exciting and gratifying and it makes our homes more beautiful. The process: 1. collect seeds form the dates (I used medjool variety). They are usually sold ripe and even more often – dried, but just FYI – the dates are ripe when they are slightly wrinkled and soft (I …
Animal photo hunt – amphibia
When the days get longer and warmer, one of the best things to do is go on a photo hunt for nature’s gifts. One will always discover brilliant treasures.
Simple, healthy, easy to pack (raw) vegan work lunch ideas
In these infected times when it’s not safe to get food from a public place and most of such services are closed anyway, what to pack day to day? The simplest and the best “lunch break food” is fruit. It’s as nutritious as it gets and only requires little energy for digestion which doesn’t make …
Lime detox
Ingredients (per person): 1 lime 2 oranges 2 bananas Squeeze the citruses, pour the juice in the blender, add bananas and blend. Pour into a glass and enjoy. Done! Nothing better after a tough day or a tough night before. Or on any good day, of course! Ingest on an empty stomach – or anytime …
Dolphin series: fishery interactions
Fishing intensity keeps increasing throughout the world, which has negative impacts on nontarget species, including marine mammals. Thus bycatches have become a critical issue for marine mammal populations. Every year fishing industry removes about 80–90 million tons of fish and other marine organisms from the world’s oceans. Another 7–8 million tons of unwanted animal biomass …
A beautiful winter day – photo story
When you get the chance, go for an easy hike in the winter. Fairytale assured.
Vegan delight – chia pudding
Ingredients: chia seeds cacao (raw) dates (fresh or dried) coconut flakes vegan drink of choice or coconut water It’s better to use glasses with covers, so the meal can last longer in the refridgerator. The pudding should last up to three days, but you probably won’t know, as it’ll be gone much sooner. 😉 Note: …
Threats to dolphins
Dolphin mortality results from both natural and anthropogenic causes. Natural causes include old age, failure to thrive as a calf, intra-specific agonistic interactions, predation, stingray wounds, disease, storms and biotoxins from harmful algal blooms such as red tides. Threats of human origin include entanglement in nets, entanglement in or ingestion of fishing gear, pollution, boat …
On a beautiful autumn day – photo story
The best thing you can do on a beautiful autumn day is to go hiking. There’s something magical about forests in the autumn.
Raw vegan »pasta« with delicious sauce
Ingredients For the pasta (1 person): about 100 g of cucumbers or about 100 g of zucchini or a mixture of both Sauce: about 20 g of sesame seeds 1 or more bell peppers (yellow or red) 1 or more tomatos 1 avocado peel the cucumber and/or the zucchini. This step is optional, if you …