When one enjoys the warm, colourful autumn, but is also looking forward to winter, enjoying the fun December, can still become rather anxious when cold and snow just don’t appear. This December has in our area been similar to last year’s, warm (10 °C daily on average), even rainy. One then very hardly waits for proper winter and hopes it will even show up. Then it does show up in January. Cold (below -10 °C, lower temperatures would be very welcome, but fair enough) and loads of snow, possibly this happens in a day, as it happened this year. Then one finally comes to life.

The snowy landscape can only be described as magical. Specially when it’s snowing or when the sun shines and if it’s properly cold, when the crystals from and the light creates diamonds everywhere. That is just mesmerising. When I see those glittery rainbow colours, I just stop and am completely taken over. Too bad those can’t be caught on camera, at least not on any of mine. On the other hand, it makes you really enjoy the moment, stop and just be, appreciate the paradise world we were born in.

It’s saddening that winters are getting significantly shorter and more mild as they used to be. Specially especially in latitudes with climates that have (or rather, enjoy, I should say) four seasons. Proper winter days are becoming more and more scarce, this makes us respect and appreciate the cold and snow so much more.

Hopefully we will be able to enjoy more winters like this, with more than just a few days of cold and snow.

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