A story about a friendship. It got through a lot and came out stronger. There’s even a Gossip girl moment in there.
The story begins with two girls at 7 years of age, they become a part of the same class in primary school that will stay together for the next 8 years. At first they don’t really acknowledge each other as they already have other friends from before (day care, neighbours etc.). When they do get to know each other, they aren’t really a good fit, one is full of energy, ideas and a bit naughty, while the other is shy and finds the first one just a little annoying. When they have to sit together in second class, the latter is not happy about it.
Years passed, they grew and became more friendly. Somewhere at about 11 years old they started to spend more time together, first as a group with other schoolmates, then even just the two of them. They had many mutual hobbies, most of them included various sport activities, then there was art, Tomb raider games and dogs.
They spent their afternoons walking their dogs, rock climbing, training martial arts and playing Tomb raider (as a reward, after they had done their homework and studied, of course).
When primary school was done, they attended different secondary schools, in different countries even. So they made Fridays their days. They spent their evenings climbing at the local gym and then going out for drinks with friends (non-alcoholic, of course).
They also had a third friend from primary school, they called themselves Charlie’s angels. Because there were, you know, three of them and they were all very sporty, training rock climbing and such. 😊 But the third friend was very keen on scheming and causing drama, also stealing sweethearts or even boyfriends. Needless to say, their ways parted. No arguing involved, just a silent, unpleasant breakup.
The two friends then welcomed two more friends into the group at about 18 years of age. Funnily, it was again 2 girls from primary school, they used to hang out together in school for almost all 8 years, but didn’t really call each other friends until that time. This grout called themselves Sex and the city. Again, similarities, 4, being fabulous and going out for coffees and drinks (preferably cocktails as they were old enough). This friendship lasted for 6 years, until they were 24 years of age. When, for some reason, suddenly one girl was jealous of the other one, unjustifiably, and turns the other 3 against her, stating that the one girl tried to take over a guy she liked. (This would be the Gossip girl moment.)
By that point all of them had made mistakes in their lives and their friendships, they always talked it through and solved the problems. There were several other mistakes, but this was one mistake that wasn’t made. As mentioned, it was just jealousy. The girls were all beautiful and, of course, at that age, very sensitive about their looks. That sensitivity had reached its peak and the one girl was ghosted out of the group. No explanation, just dead silence.
Each had made mistakes they regretted, hurting people close to them unintentionally. But at that age we are still growing, learning a lot and establishing our personality. Many mistakes are inevitable, most made unintentionally, some even intentionally. Some, or most of those result in hurting people close to us.
Returning to the story, they all continued with their lives. The one girl was by far not alone or lonely, she had other groups of friends which she had more time to spend with. The two original girls’ ways parted for a few years. They did keep in touch, but with very shallow and cautious communication. The pain was too deep. The group of 3 girls eventually parted ways as well, again, leaving one of the original girls out for some unexplained reason.
During the years, there were new relationships being made, several life turning points happened, losses happened. Somehow time brought the 2 original friends back together little by little. The love they had for each other, all that they’ve been through, kept a firm lifeline between them. Even if at times they couldn’t feel or see it themselves.
It took years for them to establish the firmness of their friendship, but survived it has. And came out stronger. Now there’s nothing that could stop them from being what they are, together or apart, they will always be connected. With love, respect, experience, trust and loyalty. This is something worth putting trust in, and worth fighting for, down to the last molecule of strength.
If you had a similar experience, losing a friendship for whatever reason and possibly re-establishing it, you know the feeling is close to losing someone and then being reborn. It makes you stronger, trust in life and genuinely just feel deeply happy.
Let this be a motivation; if you’re on a rough road right now with your friendship(s). These things are hard, very hard to maintain and when it hurts, it hurts a lot. A LOT more than break-ups, but as we all learn with time, it’s something we must survive through, because it’s how we learn. We learn to see fakes from afar, to respect the relationships we have and those that we might have in the future, learn to see the light in people and to respect life along with what it brings us. We learn to see useless drama and avoid or resolve it before it even happens.
Stay strong and persist. It’s worth it.

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