The Wim Hof method is about controlling stress, increasing oxygen levels in the body, thus alkalising it, making more energy molecules (ATP) and boosting the immune system. These are all of the effects of the method combined in one sentence. Now we’ll go thoroughly, explaining biology and biochemistry of the method, how it affects the body and the brain step by step.
Stress is evolution-wise everything that makes one uncomfortable, putting the body into action in order to remove or avoid the inconvenient or unsafe situation. All of the named basic concepts cause physical and mental stress: fear, pain, excitement, heat, cold.
Stress response
Activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, including the release of glucocorticoids, is the fundamental hormonal response to stress (all explained in detail below). This process is called signal transduction and is caused in the body by stress:

The first response to stress happens in the brain, in the hypothalamus. Hypothalamus lies deep in the brain and is the body’s control coordinating center. It’s the main link between endocrine and nervous system and directly affects the autonomic nervous system by managing hormones. Hypothalamus receives chemical messages from nerve cells in the brain and body (peripheral nervous system). Its main function is to react to these messages to keep the body in a stable state – homeostasis.
It contains the body’s thermostat and center for regulating hunger, thirst and basic survival mechanisms.
Regulation of body temperature in mammals is based on feedback mechanisms. At body temperatures below normal range, thermostat inhibits heat loss mechanisms and activates heat-saving ones, such as constriction of certain blood vessels and/or raising of fur, stimulating heat-generating mechanisms. In response to elevated body temperature, thermostat shuts down heat retention mechanisms and promotes body cooling by vasodilatation and sweating.
When cold environment reaches and cools the blood vessel that supplies the hypothalamus, the hypothalamic thermostat responds firstly by constricting blood vessels in the skin, slowing cooling in the core. To also raise the body temperature, hypothalamus triggers heat generation by muscular contractions, shivering.
Hypothalamus helps manage:
- body temperature
- blood pressure
- hunger and thirst
- sense of fullness when eating
- mood
- sex drive
- sleep
- circadian rhythm
Pituitary gland is located just below the hypothalamus. It consists of two lobes, anterior and posterior. Hypothalamus sends signals (hormones) to tell the pituitary lobes when to secrete their hormones. Pituitary gland either releases hormones that directly affect a part of the body, or sends a hormone to a different gland in the body that then further releases its hormone.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
ACTH is secreted from the pituitary gland in response to corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) from the hypothalamus. CRH is synthesized and secreted by the hypothalamus in stress responses. In short term, CRH can suppress appetite, increase anxiety and enable other functions, like boosting attention. In a stressful environment like cold water, or breathing exercises, this all happens quickly. ACTH stimulates the synthesis and secretion of glucocorticoids from adrenal gland (see the image, also explained below). Besides ACTH other biologically-active substances are released from anterior pituitary, among others, β-endorphin.
Signal molecules, a type of neurotransmitters, made by pituitary gland and hypothalamus. They bind to the brain’s opioid receptors and carry signals across the nervous system. They relieve pain, decrease urine output, increase respiration, reduce stress and produce euphoria during times of physical or emotional stress. They’re also released during pleasurable activities, such as exercise, massage, even eating.
β-endorphin stimulates the secretion of insulin and glucagon in humans. They are released from pancreas (further explained below).
Adrenal glands
Endocrine glands above the kidneys in mammals. Consist of cortex and medulla. Adrenal medulla responds to short-term stress and reacts to nerve impulses, while adrenal cortex responds to long-term stress and to endocrine signals.
1. Adrenal cortex
Endocrine cells in the cortex respond to ACTH by secreting steroid hormones that help maintain homeostasis during long-term stress.
Glucocorticoids, such as cortisol, have a primary effect on glucose metabolism and the immune system by supressing it. They promote glucose synthesis from non-carbohydrate sources, such as proteins, making more glucose available as fuel. Cortisol is important in:
- responding to stress
- fighting infection
- regulating blood glucose levels
- maintaining blood pressure
- regulating metabolism
Cortex also releases mineralocorticoids, primarily aldosterone, which help regulate salt and water balance. Effects:
- retention of sodium ions and water by kidneys;
- increased blood volume and blood pressure.
2. Adrenal medulla
Neurosecretory cells in the medulla secrete dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine in response to nerve signals triggered by short-term stress – whether extreme pleasure or life-threatening danger, which mediates fight-or-flight responses. A major activity of the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine is to increase the amount of chemical energy available for immediate use. Both:
- increase the rate of glycogen breakdown in the liver and skeletal muscles, broken down to glucose; increased blood glucose;
- promote glucose release by liver cells;
- stimulate the release of fatty acids from fat cells.
The released glucose and fatty acids circulate in the blood and are used by body cells as fuel. Besides increasing the availability of energy sources, epinephrine and norepinephrine have strong effects on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. They:
- increase the rate and stroke volume of the heart beat;
- dilate the bronchioles, which raises oxygen delivery to body cells;
- alter blood flow, causing constriction of some blood vessels and dilation of others. The overall effect is to shunt blood away from the skin, digestive organs and kidneys, while increasing blood supply to heart, brain and skeletal muscles;
- increase blood pressure;
- increase breathing rate;
- increase metabolic rate;
- change blood flow patterns, leading to increased alertness and decreased digestive, excretory and reproductive system activity.
Glucagon and Insulin
Released from pancreas. Synthesis and secretion induced by β-endorphin, among others. Glucose homeostasis relies on the opposing effects of the two hormones.
1. Glucagon
A hormone secreted by pancreatic alpha cells. It raises blood glucose levels as it promotes glycogen breakdown and release of glucose by the liver. Enables glycogenolysis or glucose formation. When blood glucose drops below the set point, release of glucagon promotes release of glucose into the blood, increasing blood glucose concentration.
2. Insulin
A hormone secreted by pancreatic beta cells. Promotes the uptake of glucose by most body cells and the synthesis and storage of glycogen in the liver, lowering blood glucose levels, it also stimulates protein and fat synthesis. It suppresses apetite by effecting the brain.
WHM breathing exercises and cold exposure effects
The effects of these exercises have been explained in this post. A quick recap: the breathing exercises have both mental and physiological effects. This practice induces a positive stress response – introducing a physical stressor whilst staying calm and focused at the same time. This enables one to be more resilient in other stressful circumstances.
With cold exposure, to produce more heat, the cells need more fat and glucose. Heat is generated by brown adipose tissue. In human body there are scattered pockets of brown fat in the neck, back and adrenal glands. With regular cold exposure, more white fat converts into brown fat. The more brown fat, the more efficient glucose intake from the bloodstream, which leads to higher insulin sensitivity. Staying in good health is having high insulin sensitivity. Cold exposure can thus be an effective method for a healthy weight loss.
To disperse more heat quickly and evenly, warm blood is accelerated through the arteries, stretching its walls. While the capillaries in the skin narrow down to minimise heat loss at the surface. When the body heats up, all the vessels return to their normal size. This stretching and narrowing keeps the entire vascular system more flexible, improving circulation.
A 2022 study showed that Wim Hof Method breathing and cold exposure combined, levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) increase, while the pro-inflammatory IL-6 decreases. In addition, cold exposure induces the release of heat shock proteins. These help stabilise damaged proteins that are involved in pro-inflammatory signalling pathways by properly refolding them. Together, these mechanisms reduce inflammation-related issues and optimise the immune response.
Practicing the breathing exercises and cold exposure enables the release of endocannabinoids in the brain. Leading to feeling less or no stress and pain.
Endocannabinoids are bioactive lipid mediators that bind to and activate cannabinoid receptors. Endocannabinoid signalling serves to maintain HPA-axis homeostasis by mediating glucocorticoid fast feedback mechanisms. They are involved in immune homeostasis because immune cells secrete endocannabinoids and have functional cannabinoid transport and breakdown mechanisms. Biosynthesis, uptake and degradation of endocannabinoids occur in macrophages and leukocytes. This shows that that endocannabinoids are important local modulators of immune and inflammatory reactions.
Cannabinoid signalling in the brain helps maintain or regain homeostasis by regulating the stress response. PET and fMRI scans were used to detect changes in cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptor binding on participants practicing WHM. Notable increases in CB1 receptor binding across the brain were found after regular practice. The quantity of these receptors is directly associated with improvements in mood and lowering anxiety.
Cold shock proteins
Cold exposure goes as deep as impacting gene expression, meaning, it is possible to actively change our DNA by practicing WHM.
Cold shock proteins are multifunctional RNA/DNA binding proteins, characterized by the presence of one or more cold shock domains. They participate in cellular reprogramming by regulating the expression of many target genes. They are synthesized to disable the harmful effects of cold shock. In humans, the best known are Y-box binding proteins, such as Y-box binding protein-1 (YB-1).
Cells undergo stress in many ways and any kind of stress activates the cold shock proteins, examples: viral, bacterial infection, inflammation or, as the name suggests, cold.
One of the target genes for these proteins is RNA binding motif protein 3 (RBM3). It is a stress-responsive gene, expression is induced by cold shock and low oxygen tension. It makes the body and brain cells ready for cold shocks. This gene:
- neutralises inflammation inducing protein (TNF);
- effects Lin28 gene expression: primal regulator of growth and metabolism in stem cells, a key role in the regulation of glucose uptake and insulin resistance;
- removes the non-working (waste) cells.

As we’ve seen so far, controlled stressors (such as cold exposure, forced breathing exercises) activate mechanisms for restoring homeostasis. These recovery mechanisms (cardiovascular, thermoregulatory and chemical) are primarily done by the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system regulated in the brainstem. Evidence shows that repeated exposure to controlled physical stress increases the efficiency of recovery mechanisms, resulting in a faster and more complete recovery.
There is a big difference between chronic psychological and controlled physical stress, as the latter is beneficial in reducing the effects of the first one (psychological stress) through different mechanisms, including improved regulation of stress hormones (catecholamines/cortisol), release of endorphins and improved sleep quality.
Simultaneous input of different stressors (breathing and cold) improves the stress-lowering role of cannabinoid signals, by preventing too strong activation of stress-response networks in cases of unexpected stress.
We are born to be 100 % alive, aware and in control of our mind and body, as Wim Hof says. And with this method we can achieve this control.
- Campbell Biology 10th edition
- The journey of the iceman, Wim Hof’s secrets to defying science
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- Cold-inducible proteins CIRP and RBM3, a unique couple with activities far beyond the cold. Zhu, Bührer, Wellmann. 2016
- Endocannabinoids and stress. Riebe, Wotjak. 2010
- Endocannabinoids and immune regulation. Pandey, Mousawy, Nagarkatti, Nagarkatti. 2009
- Endocannabinoids, Related Compounds and Their Metabolic Routes. Fezza, Bari, Florio, Talamonti, Feole, Maccarrone. 2014
- The impact of a focused behavioral intervention on brain cannabinoid signaling and interoceptive function: Implications for mood and anxiety. Muzik, Mann, Kopchick, Chowdury, Yacou, Vadgama, Bonello, Diwadkar. 2024
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