vitamin D sources
Biology Health Nutrition

Vitamin D source in plants, algae and mushrooms

Vitamins are organic compounds essential for normal physiological and metabolic functioning of the body in small quantities. Vitamins are a large group of micronutrients, mostly derived from diets with a few exceptions. These micronutrients usually exist in complexes and thus cannot be obtained from a single dietary source. Functionally, vitamins are involved in various metabolic …

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801010 diet
Health Lifestyle Nutrition

80/10/10 diet and lifestyle

First let’s explain what these numbers mean, they represent a ratio our diet should consist of: 80 % carbohydrates – 10 % protein – 10 % fatty acids. Consisting mostly or entirely of raw food (that’s an individual’s choice). With 80/10/10 it’s not about renunciation. Nutrition is a constant effort and is easy to missinterpret …

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What to do when in quarantine
Health Lifestyle Motivation

What to do when in quarantine

First of all, don’t get ill. Don’t get infected, it’s lame. Let me tell you how: you lose sense of smell and taste completely. One might as well eat dirt. Our bodies (and souls) need movement, fresh air. Only once you suddenly can’t go outside and run, do you see how much you need it. …

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