As the year begins, here’s an Aesop’s fable to remind us that quality always beats quantity:
A fox belittled a lioness because she never bore more than one cub. “Yes, only one”, she replied, “but a lion.”
Biological fact: lionesses usually have between one and six cubs at a time. Most often they give birth to a litter of two to three cubs, although larger litters are not uncommon.

Another fable using a lion as a character:
A lion fell in love with a girl. Her father was afraid for her safety, but also afraid of the lion and didn’t dare refuse him. So he demanded the lion pulls out his teeth and cuts his claws for her safety. The lion being so in love, he submitted to these sacrifices. But when he returned, the father refused him and told him to leave.
Point being: don’t ever easily and without criticality take any demands or advice offered to you. If nature has given you special advantages over others, do not let yourself be deprived of them, or you will fall an easy prey to people who envy you.
This is just to remind ourselves that we are capable and worthy of everything good that comes into our lives. And that we have the right to say no to situations, things and people that don’t feel right.
- Aeson’s fable. Marcus Sedgwick. 2013
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