It is possible to grow new grape vine plants from the branches pruned in spring.
When you do you spring pruning of fruit trees, just save the branches you cut off your vine and simply stick them in the ground about 10 cm deep. This is so simple, we could call it the “for dummies” version. 🙂
I got this idea from my uncle who simply tried this and is now growing a large vine over his terrace.
When pruning, save the branches that are still viable – those that have a moist core, meaning they are actively still transporting water. Stick the pruned branches in the ground, 10 cm deep. Stick as many viable branches as you can, as only a few of them will survive. Water regularly.
I stuck 15 branches in the soil and 5 of them soon started growing buds. 3 of those then also started growing leaves. By the end of august only one survived and grew roots and leaves large enough to sustain itself.
Be persistent, repeat the process next year until you succeed with as many new vines as you intend.
I will repeat the process this year to gain more live vines in order to get more grapes and shade. Will post with updates about the process.