If you’re one to enjoy the seasonal decorations, specially the December ones, here’s a minimalistic environmentaly friendly idea.
After watching some Youtube videos on seasonal home decor I got caught into making some deorations myself. Monkey see, monkey do, huh? 🙂 Since we don’t like consumerism around here, I thought about ideas on how to make the decoratoins myself and from natural materials.
My mother came up with the original idea years ago, when instead of the December tree, she just used some branches picked from the forest floor, put them in a pretty vase and decorated them with December ornaments.
I wanted to do a similar thing for our entrance – outside and in.
What you need
- branches from the forest floor
- a glass jar or a vase
- hot glue gun
- hemp rope or some decorative ribbon (optional)
- decorations to hang on the branches (optional)

I collected various branches on the forest floor. Then took and old glass jar (these are from sauerkraut with a volume of 2 l).
The vases can be decorated with a hemp rope or a ribbon, using a hot glue gun.

The vase outside needed to be fixed so that a stronger gush of wind wouldn’t knock it down and crash it. To fixate it, I took and old ceramic tile and glued the vase to the center of the tile.
All that is left, is to add the branches. On this point this can be and end product, or we can add some decorations of choice.

As with everything, these are not perfect, but fun and just an idea on how to make a prettier seasonal home with almost (apart from the hot glue gun) zero waste.

This is an idea, very open to individual interpretations, you can use any kind of vase or jar, decorate however you please and put in various types of branches to which you can add decor to exactly to your liking.
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