Working in forestry from a biologists point of view is quite interesting. Work days consist of field work and office days, what predominates depends on the season. The interesting part is, of course, working in nature. We conduct various measurements. For example, one type of measurements is called constant sample surfaces. There has to be a team of two, equipped with measure …
Category: Lifestyle
10 songs to get you going!
Presenting the music that always gets me dancing and increases my energy. It’s also great for working out indoors. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (I recommend not watching this video though, it’s way out of taste) And of course it never gets …
How to be more effective
Beginnig of a new year. A time when (almost) everybody is making their new year resolutions. At this point I have one word for you – intentional. So incredibly simple – to be better at everything, make sure that every single thing you do, you do it intentionally. Turn off the auto-pilot. Be present, be …
Short workouts with great results
I have been following Zuzka Light for some years now and she has the best exercises I’ve ever come across, perfect for executing at home, requiring very little time, space or equipment. If, like me, you quickly get bored of repeating the same exercises, these are just perfect for us and for anyone, really. If you don’t …
A week in Madeira
In march we travelled to this fascinating island and were accordingly – fascinated. The first thing while landing, the landscape reminds of a piece of aluminum foil when it gets crumpled, that’s how up and down it is. I mean, anyone can see photos on the internet and search through google maps, but in …
The benefits of keeping a diary
Why keep a diary? Because it just makes life better. In time we learn about when we feel the most comfortable writing it; everyday, once a week, maybe only once or twice a month. Depends on our dedication or simply just the need to »say« something, the choice is ours alone. Sometimes it may be something that …