This post was inspired by the book Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Under-Rated Organ by Giulia Enders. Toxoplasma parasite Toxoplasma gondii is a a widespread neurotropic protozoan parasite which reproduces in cats’ intestine. It infects about one third of the population worldwide. The probability of a human being infeced is in percents …
Category: Biology
Dolphins in captivity
This is the last part of the dolphin series. History Animals have been held in captivity by humans for thousands of years. almost every species of marine mammal except for most of the great whales have been held in captivity, even if only for short periods of time. Most of them are dolphins, porpoises and …
Dolphin series: monitoring dolphins
For the biologist, dolphin research presents challenges and opportunities in trying to understand individual species in their marine ecosystems. Marine mammals are highly mobile, cover large areas, move in three spatial dimensions, and spend most of their lives under water. So for most species of delphinids, basic aspects of their evolution, physiology, ecology, behavior and …
Natural stone table – geological facts
A geological description of a rock formation close to my town. It’s a special place, feel so magical I just had to write about it.
Photo hunt – lizards, spiders and a snake
This post is featuring lizards and some of their food – spiders. Sorry for the blurry photos, I mostly only have my phone on me while encountering these beuatiful creatures. Not many times has it happened that I was on an intentional photo hunt with a proper camera and managed to find and catch something. …
Animal photo hunt – insecta
Photo hunt – birds
Some photos are a bit blurry, but again, I wanted to share all of my encounters with you!
Photo hunt – butterflies
Some photos are a bit blurry, because I found some of these treasure while only carrying my phone, but I wanted to share all of my findings with you. Some of the photos are also not my own, they are courtesy of my dear, beautiful, talented friend (thank you, N.!).
Growing date palms from seeds (Phoenix dactylifera)
Growing plants from seeds is so exciting and gratifying and it makes our homes more beautiful. The process: 1. collect seeds form the dates (I used medjool variety). They are usually sold ripe and even more often – dried, but just FYI – the dates are ripe when they are slightly wrinkled and soft (I …
Animal photo hunt – amphibia
When the days get longer and warmer, one of the best things to do is go on a photo hunt for nature’s gifts. One will always discover brilliant treasures.